

Cluster 1 (assertequals, math, ref)

16 results

sets the

96. AreaReference paramCellAreaRef = new AreaReference(paramCellName.getRefersToFormula());
97. CellReference paramCellAreaRefFirstCell = paramCellAreaRef.getFirstCell();

Cluster 2 (arearef, getfirstcell, int)

1 results

sets the content types of the file ( s ) to input , and returns the result @ param sheet the sheet to look up @ param color the starting offset into the byte array @ param value the short ( 1 6 - bit ) value

321. public static void clear(HSSFSheet sh, AreaReference aRef){
322.   for(int row = aRef.getFirstCell().getRow(); row <= aRef.getLastCell().getRow(); row++){
325.       for(int col = aRef.getFirstCell().getCol(); col <= aRef.getLastCell().getCol(); col++){