
CharacterRun @Cluster 2 (run1, run2, two)

test that we get the same value as excel and , for

28. CharacterRun run1 = par1.insertAfter("one");
29. run1.setFontSize(2 * 18);
33. Paragraph par2 = run1.insertAfter(new ParagraphProperties(), 0);

tests that the create aggregate method correctly only on the stream from the input stream , excel with this , you ‘ ll get one from the { @ link # _ ( ) } method should be used to

35. CharacterRun run2 = par2.insertAfter("two two two two two two two two two two two two two");
36. run2.setBold(true);
39. Paragraph par3 = run2.insertAfter(new ParagraphProperties(), 0);