

Cluster 1 (delegate, din, return)

5 results

< p > sets the poi file ‘ s path . < / p >

55. DocumentInputStream dstream = new DocumentInputStream( dentry );
57. dstream.close();

Cluster 2

3 results

the example that should be excel a not , that ‘ s all an empty property set this on it .

77. final DocumentInputStream dis = event.getStream();
78. final byte pptdata[] = new byte[dis.available()];
79., 0, dis.available());

Cluster 3 (is, position, rawdatapos)

1 results

read < tt > will < tt > to the specified ( return ) or 1 / sheet . @ throws evaluationexception ( # num ! ) if < tt > result < / tt > is < tt > nan < / > or < tt > infinity < / tt >

43. DocumentInputStream is = getStream();
46.   if (rawdataPos > is.position()) {
48.     is.skip(rawdataPos - is.position() + 17);
50.   is.reset();
51.   is.skip(rawdataPos + 17);
54., 0, imgdata.length);