

Cluster 1 (data, drawing, drawingrecord)

1 results

test whether the sheet is selected

376. DrawingRecord drawingRecord = (DrawingRecord) records.get( loc );
377. System.arraycopy( drawingRecord.getData(), 0, buffer, offset, drawingRecord.getData().length );
378. offset += drawingRecord.getData().length;

Cluster 2 (continuerecord, drawingrecord, lastdrawingrecord)

1 results

this method will display the font and returns the font index ( ) to be used for this paragraph run .

131. DrawingRecord lastDrawingRecord = new DrawingRecord( );
163.               lastDrawingRecord.processContinueRecord( ((ContinueRecord)record).getData() );

Cluster 3 (crec, drawingrecord, lastdrawingrecord)

1 results

this method will display the font and returns the font index ( if it ‘ s ) in the 0 x 1 6 )

162. DrawingRecord lastDrawingRecord = new DrawingRecord();
222.       lastDrawingRecord.processContinueRecord( crec.getData() );