

Cluster 1 (dg, drawinggroupid, escherdgrecord)

2 results

excel ‘ s format to if ( you have two table , 8 1 0 )

97. EscherDgRecord dg = getDrawingGroup(drawingGroupId);
98. dg.setNumShapes( dg.getNumShapes() + 1 );
99. dg.setLastMSOSPID( result );

Cluster 2 (dg, escherdgrecord, setlastmsospid)

4 results

sets whether the rowcolheadings are shown in a viewer @ param show whether to show rowcolheadings or not

66. EscherDgRecord dg = new EscherDgRecord();
67. dg.setRecordId( EscherDgRecord.RECORD_ID );
69. dg.setOptions( (short) ( dgId << 4 ) );
70. dg.setNumShapes( 0 );
71. dg.setLastMSOSPID( -1 );