

Cluster 1 (format, formatrecord, rec)

1 results

test that we get the same value as excel and , for

2054. FormatRecord rec = new FormatRecord();
2056. rec.setIndexCode( maxformatid );
2057. rec.setFormatStringLength( (byte) format.length() );
2058. rec.setFormatString( format );

Cluster 2 (byte, retval, short)

1 results

test that we get the same value as excel and , for

1216. FormatRecord retval = new FormatRecord();   // the differnt formats
1221.         retval.setIndexCode(( short ) 5);
1222.         retval.setFormatStringLength(( byte ) 0x17);
1223.         retval.setFormatString("\"$\"#,##0_);\\(\"$\"#,##0\\)");
1227.         retval.setIndexCode(( short ) 6);
1228.         retval.setFormatStringLength(( byte ) 0x1c);
1229.         retval.setFormatString("\"$\"#,##0_);[Red]\\(\"$\"#,##0\\)");
1233.         retval.setIndexCode(( short ) 7);
1234.         retval.setFormatStringLength(( byte ) 0x1d);
1235.         retval.setFormatString("\"$\"#,##0.00_);\\(\"$\"#,##0.00\\)");
1239.         retval.setIndexCode(( short ) 8);
1240.         retval.setFormatStringLength(( byte ) 0x22);
1241.         retval.setFormatString(
1246.         retval.setIndexCode(( short ) 0x2a);
1247.         retval.setFormatStringLength(( byte ) 0x32);
1253.         retval.setIndexCode(( short ) 0x29);
1254.         retval.setFormatStringLength(( byte ) 0x29);
1260.         retval.setIndexCode(( short ) 0x2c);
1261.         retval.setFormatStringLength(( byte ) 0x3a);
1267.         retval.setIndexCode(( short ) 0x2b);
1268.         retval.setFormatStringLength(( byte ) 0x31);

Cluster 3 (equals, format, formatrecord)

1 results

returns the color of the given sheet @ see org . apache . poi . xwpf . usermodel . ibody # “ ( 1 2 1 6 ) .

2021.   FormatRecord r = (FormatRecord);
2022.   if (r.getFormatString().equals(format)) {
2023. return r.getIndexCode();