1 results
set the font of this style . < p > 0 - 6 error data only used for hssf / xssf / 2 / for formatting cells we have a false .
353. FormulaRecordAggregate frec = null; 363. frec.setColumn(col); 366. frec.getFormulaRecord().setValue(getNumericCellValue()); 368. frec.setXFIndex(styleIndex); 369. frec.setRow(row);
3 results
test that we get the same value as excel and , for
395. FormulaRecordAggregate fmAgg = (FormulaRecordAggregate)rec; 396. Record fmAggRec = fmAgg.getFormulaRecord(); 399. fmAggRec = fmAgg.getStringRecord();