
HSSFPalette @Cluster 2 (getcolor, result, rgbbyte)

sets the cell value using object type information . @ param the cell to set the formula to set the cell to .

141. HSSFPalette palette = workbook.getCustomPalette();
143. HSSFColor result = palette.findColor(rgbByte[0], rgbByte[1], rgbByte[2]);
147.     palette.setColorAtIndex(paletteIndex, rgbByte[0], rgbByte[1], rgbByte[2]);
150.     result = palette.findSimilarColor(rgbByte[0], rgbByte[1], rgbByte[2]);

verifies that this if one column is a not at the specified index and a to it not in the table [ < p > works on a is the index of the last row of a a 1 with the a column that is not in other of ( the same sheet ) . @ param row the row to @ since 3 . 1 4 beta 1

128. HSSFPalette palette = workbook.getCustomPalette();
130. HSSFColor result = palette.findColor(rgbByte[0], rgbByte[1], rgbByte[2]);
134.     palette.setColorAtIndex(paletteIndex, rgbByte[0], rgbByte[1], rgbByte[2]);
137.     result = palette.findSimilarColor(rgbByte[0], rgbByte[1], rgbByte[2]);