

Cluster 1 (append, case, str)

3 results

returns the name of this sheet @ return the name of this sheet

372. HSSFRichTextString rich = cell.getRichStringCellValue();
373. return (rich==null)? null: rich.getString();

Cluster 2 (comment, getstring, richtextstring)

5 results

sets the

1752. HSSFRichTextString richTextString  = comment.getString();
1754.   String textComment = richTextString.getString().toUpperCase();

Cluster 3 (applyfont, hssfrichtextstring, richstring)

1 results

sets the a number of the formula that 1 0 is null .

375. HSSFRichTextString richString = new HSSFRichTextString("合计");
377. richString.applyFont(font4);