sets the
150. StyleSheet styleSheet, PAPX papx, ParagraphProperties properties ) 155. int style = papx.getIstd();
test that we get the same value as excel and , for
171. PAPX papx = _paragraphs.get( _parEnd - 1 ); 172. _props = papx.getParagraphProperties( _doc.getStyleSheet() ); 173. _papx = papx.getSprmBuf(); 174. _istd = papx.getIstd();
259. PAPX papx = null; 264. byte[] phe = papx.getParagraphHeight().toByteArray(); 265. byte[] grpprl = papx.getGrpprl(); 319. translator.getByteIndex( papx.getStart() ) ); 351. translator.getByteIndex( papx.getEnd() ) );
178. protected Paragraph( PAPX papx, Range parent ) 180. super( Math.max( parent._start, papx.getStart() ), Math.min( 181. parent._end, papx.getEnd() ), parent ); 182. _props = papx.getParagraphProperties( _doc.getStyleSheet() ); 183. _papx = papx.getSprmBuf(); 184. _istd = papx.getIstd();