

Cluster 1 (getslideidentifier, getslidepersistatom, sas)

1 results

set the ‘ in 3 2 format < i > note that < / code > @ throws illegalstateexception if the cell type is invalid

234. private Record getCoreRecordForSAS(SlideAtomsSet sas) {
235.   SlidePersistAtom spa = sas.getSlidePersistAtom();

Cluster 2 (_atomset, findtextruns, getsliderecords)

1 results

test that we get the same value as excel and , for

55. private SlideAtomsSet _atomSet;
83.     findTextRuns(_atomSet.getSlideRecords(),textRuns);

Cluster 3 (getslideidentifier, getslidepersistatom, sas)

1 results

set the ‘ in first a number of 1 0 . < p > use this to create a new from file from the specified sheet and the number of the 3 : 0 = 0 . < br > 1 0 0 0 0 @ param value whether the specified font is set @ param workbook the number of columns to be in @ since 3 . 1 4 beta 1

306. SlideAtomsSet sas = masterSets[i];
307. int sheetNo = sas.getSlidePersistAtom().getSlideIdentifier();

Cluster 4 (add, ns, records)

1 results

sets the top left margin of the shape .

403. SlideAtomsSet sas = slidesSets[i];
404. int slideIdentifier = sas.getSlidePersistAtom().getSlideIdentifier();