3 results
if this is a value , the number of false format
578. WindowTwoRecord windowTwo = (WindowTwoRecord) sheet.getSheet().findFirstRecordBySid(WindowTwoRecord.sid); 579. windowTwo.setSelected(sheets.size() == 1); 580. windowTwo.setPaged(sheets.size() == 1);
1 results
set the logical col number for the last cell this row ( 0 based index )
590. WindowTwoRecord rec = new WindowTwoRecord(); 591. rec.field_1_options = field_1_options; 592. rec.field_2_top_row = field_2_top_row; 593. rec.field_3_left_col = field_3_left_col; 594. rec.field_4_header_color = field_4_header_color; 595. rec.field_5_page_break_zoom = field_5_page_break_zoom; 596. rec.field_6_normal_zoom = field_6_normal_zoom; 597. rec.field_7_reserved = field_7_reserved;
creates the
2012. WindowTwoRecord retval = new WindowTwoRecord(); 2014. retval.setOptions(( short ) 0x6b6); 2015. retval.setTopRow(( short ) 0); 2016. retval.setLeftCol(( short ) 0); 2017. retval.setHeaderColor(0x40); 2018. retval.setPageBreakZoom(( short ) 0); 2019. retval.setNormalZoom(( short ) 0);
test that we get the same value as excel and , for
103. protected WindowTwoRecord windowTwo = null; 2044. return (windowTwo==null) ? (short) 0 : windowTwo.getTopRow(); 2051. windowTwo.setTopRow(topRow); 2062. windowTwo.setLeftCol(leftCol); 2068. return (windowTwo==null) ? (short) 0 : windowTwo.getLeftCol(); 2358. windowTwo.setSelected(sel); 2460. windowTwo.setFreezePanes(true); 2461. windowTwo.setFreezePanesNoSplit(true); 2496. windowTwo.setFreezePanes(false); 2497. windowTwo.setFreezePanesNoSplit(false); 2514. rec.getLeftColumn(), (byte)rec.getActivePane(), windowTwo.getFreezePanes()); 2626. windowTwo.setDisplayGridlines(show); 2634. return windowTwo.getDisplayGridlines(); 2642. windowTwo.setDisplayFormulas(show); 2650. return windowTwo.getDisplayFormulas(); 2658. windowTwo.setDisplayRowColHeadings(show); 2666. return windowTwo.getDisplayRowColHeadings();