

Cluster 1 (paragraph, string, wordextractor)

1 results

add the xml signature to the document @ throws we throws if the record can ‘ t be read @ throws get if all @ throws ioexception if the workbook contained errors

45. org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor wordExtractor =
48. addTextIfAny(xhtml, "header", wordExtractor.getHeaderText());
50. for (String paragraph : wordExtractor.getParagraphText()) {
54. for (String paragraph : wordExtractor.getFootnoteText()) {
58. for (String paragraph : wordExtractor.getCommentsText()) {
62. for (String paragraph : wordExtractor.getEndnoteText()) {
66. addTextIfAny(xhtml, "footer", wordExtractor.getFooterText());

Cluster 2 (extractor, wordextractor, wrappermethod)

11 results

set the text for this sheet .

2404. WordExtractor we = new WordExtractor(doc);
2407. text = we.getText();