
XSLFSlide @Cluster 1 (pptslide, slide, xslftextbox)

text and the paragraph is with @ param cell

39. XSLFSlide slide1 = ppt.createSlide();
42. XSLFTextBox txt1 = slide1.createTextBox();
53. XSLFTextBox txt2 = slide1.createTextBox();

return the chart at the given index @ param idx index of the to be in @ see org . apache . poi . hssf . usermodel . by # default ( )

58. for (XSLFSlide slide : slides) {
59.     CTSlide rawSlide = slide._getCTSlide();
60.     CTSlideIdListEntry slideId = slide._getCTSlideId();

text from the shape or 0 x 0 and the specified shape index

45. XSLFSlide slide = ppt.createSlide();
47. XSLFTextBox txt1 = slide.createTextBox();
57. XSLFTextBox txt2 = slide.createTextBox();
69. XSLFTable table = slide.createTable();

add the xml signature to the document @ throws return the of _ the document

216. XSLFSlide slide = (XSLFSlide)createRelationship(
221. slideId.setId2(slide.getPackageRelationship().getId());
224. slide.addRelation(layout.getPackageRelationship().getId(), layout);
227. slide.getPackagePart().addRelationship(ppName, TargetMode.INTERNAL,