

Cluster 1 (colour, fgrgb, font)

2 results

sets the and empty string of the default

223. XSSFColor colour = ((XSSFFont)font).getXSSFColor();
224. int fgRgb[] = rgbOnly( colour.getARgb() );

Cluster 2 (public, void, xssfcolor)

3 results

set the color to use for the bottom border

85. XSSFColor xssfColor = (XSSFColor) color;
86. byte[] rgb = xssfColor.getRGB();

Cluster 3 (colour, null, string)

2 results

sets the

48. private String getRGBString(XSSFColor colour)
52.   if (colour == null || colour.isAuto())
58.     String rgb = colour.getARGBHex();

Cluster 4 (assertequals, bgcolour, ffffffff)

1 results

ensure that the sheet # is 0 ( not the user in the same as the excel number )

61. XSSFColor bgColour = ((XSSFCell)sheet.getRow(0).getCell(0)).getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColorColor();
62. assertEquals( "FFFFFFFF", bgColour.getARGBHex() );

Cluster 5 (assertequals, basecolour, ff000000)

2 results

ensure that the sheet # and 0 based on a

79. XSSFColor bgColour = ((XSSFCell)sheet.getRow(0).getCell(0)).getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColorColor();
80. assertEquals( "FF800000", bgColour.getARGBHex() );